Výzkumné oddělení
Vedoucí oddělení
Pavel Rössner
Vyberte rok
The impact of extractable organic matter from gasoline and alternative fuel emissions on bronchial cell models (BEAS-2B, MucilAir (TM)).
Maternal Diet Quality and Health Status of Newborns.
Genome-Wide DNA Methylation in Policemen Working in Cities Differing by Major Sources of Air Pollution.
Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Response in Populations of the Czech Republic Exposed to Various Levels of Environmental Pollutants.
Markers of lipid oxidation and inflammation in bronchial cells exposed to complete gasoline emissions and their organic extracts.
Ordinary Gasoline Emissions Induce a Toxic Response in Bronchial Cells Grown at Air-Liquid Interface View Web of Science ResearcherID and ORCID.
A possible link between cognitive development in 5 years old children and prenatal oxidative stress.