Research data
Any information collected, observed, generated, or created to validate or reproduce research findings is described as research data. Research data can include, but is not limited to, documents, spreadsheets, images, audio/video, code, and software.
All the information and descriptions about the data. For example: type of data, title, authors, year, language, keywords, and description about under which conditions the data are collected.
Data Management Plan
Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that mainly outlines how research data will be collected, handled, preserved, and published during and after a certain research project. DMPs are usually submitted with grant proposals and updated with each interim and final report. DMP should briefly define:
- How the data will be generated and documented
- Where and how it will be stored
- Who will have access to it
- What the backup strategies are and who is responsible for them
- How it will be preserved and shared/published
FAIR Principles
The FAIR Principles describe how research data should be organised to make it more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
Digital online storage for storing and sharing the results of creative activities (e.g., publications or research data). They can be:
- Discipline-specific
- Institutional
- Multidisciplinary
Persistent identifier
Long-lasting reference to a unique entity. For example, Digital Object Identifiers (DOI), handle, ORCID, ResearcherID, ROR, etc.
The term “researcher” shall include all members of the Institute, including staff and students, and any affiliated persons who are conducting research at the Institute or on behalf of the Institute.
Principal Investigator
A researcher who has overall responsibility for a research project.