The main task of our department is to study the mechanisms of audiological disorders, which significantly reduce the quality of life of people, especially the aging population. We mainly use animal models of the disorders, in which we combine interdisciplinary experimental approaches covering levels from in vitro to in vivo. We also carry out experimental studies in human volunteers using audiometric methods combined with fMRI measurements.
ISL1 is necessary for auditory neuron development and contributes toward tonotopic organization
It was discovered that the transcription factor ISL1 regulates the molecular and cellular features of auditory neurons. In the mutant mice with selective absence of Isl1, spiral ganglion neurons migrate into the central cochlea and the cochlear wiring is profoundly reduced and disrupted. The central axons of Isl1 mutants lose their topographic projections and segregation at the cochlear nucleus. Our findings show that ISL1 is one of the obligatory factors required to sculpt auditory structural and functional tonotopic maps.
Characteristics of inferior colliculus neurons in control mice and in mice with conditionally deleted Isl1 (Isl1CKO) mice. Characteristics of inferior colliculus (IC) neurons are affected in conditionally deleted Isl1 (Isl1CKO) mice.
Filová, I., Pysanenko, K., Tavakoli, M., Vochyanova, S., Dvořáková, M., Bohuslavová, R., Smolík, O., Fabriciová, V., Hrabalová, P., Benešová, Š., Valihrach, L., Černý, J., Yamoah, E.N., Syka, J., Fritzsch, B., Pavlinková, G.: (2022) ISL1 is necessary for auditory neuron development and contributes toward tonotopic organization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119(37): e2207433119.
Important results in 2021
Acoustically Enriched Environment during the Critical Period of Postnatal Development
Positively Modulates Gap Detection and Frequency Discrimination Abilities in Adult Rats
We studied the effects of exposure to an enriched acoustic environment (EAE) during postnatal days 14 to 28 on the auditory function of adult rats. Exposed animals exhibited a more pronounced inhibition of the startle response induced by a change in background tone frequency or a pause in background noise. The results showed that EAE during the critical period of development affects the frequency and temporal processing in the auditory system and that these changes persist into adulthood.
Characteristics of inferior colliculus neurons in control mice and in mice with conditionally deleted Isl1 (Isl1CKO) mice. Comparison of the PPI of ASR induced by gaps of different durations in enriched and control animals (mean ± SD) at 55 dB SPL (a), 65 dB SPL (b), and 75 dB SPL (c) of background BBN; 100% corresponds to the amplitude of ASR without gap prepulse; smaller values of ASR amplitude ratio indicate stronger gap-PPI. Statistical significance: (a) *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01; (b) p = 0.06; (c) p = 0.38, RM two-way ANOVA with the Bonferroni posttest.
Pysanenko, K., Rybalko, N., Bureš, Z., Šuta, D., Lindovský, J., Syka, J.: (2021) Acoustically Enriched Environment during the Critical Period of Postnatal Development Positively Modulates Gap Detection and Frequency Discrimination Abilities in Adult Rats. Neural Plasticity. 6611922.
1. 5. 2020 – 31. 12. 2024
Novel diagnostic methods in examination of age related changes of the auditory system.
Department of Auditory NeuroscienceFritzius T.Tureček R.Fernandez-Fernandez D.Isogai S.Rem P. D.Králíková M.Gassmann M.Bettler B.
Biochem Pharmacol . 2024 Oct:228:116176. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2024.116176. Epub 2024 Mar 28.
Department of Auditory NeuroscienceSyding L. A.Kubik-Zahorodna A.Reguera D. P.Nickl P.Hrušková B.Králíková M.Kopkanová J.Novosadová V.Kašpárek P.Procházka J.Rozman J.Tureček R.Sedláček R.
Genes. 14(2): 285.
Department of Auditory NeuroscienceFilová I.Pysanenko K.Tavakoli M.Vochyanova S.Dvořáková M.Bohuslavová R.Smolík O.Fabriciová V.Hrabalová P.Benešová Š.Valihrach L.Černý J.Yamoah E.N.Syka J.Fritzsch B.Pavlinková G.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119(37): e2207433119.