Epigenetic changes in recreational runners
Lecturer: RNDr. Michal Šíma, Ph.D. / Department of Nanotoxicology and Molecular Epidemiology
Annotation: Air pollution has an unfavorable impact on human health. On contrary, physical activity improves respiratory and cardiovascular systems or supports immunity. Our project combines these two perspectives when expression of microRNA from recreational runners and non-runners from two localities with diverse levels of air pollution was studied. MicroRNA levels from blood of 393 volunteers were compared between and within localities or between runners and non-runners. This study is a part of the HAIE project (Healthy Aging in Industrial Environment).
The seminar will be held in person on Thursday, 5th January 2023, at 2:00 p.m. in the Turquoise Auditorium of the IEM CAS.
We are looking forward to your participation.